Expand description

A logger configured via an environment variable which writes to standard error with nice colored output for log levels.


extern crate pretty_env_logger;
#[macro_use] extern crate log;

fn main() {

    trace!("a trace example");
    info!("such information");


Returns a env_logger::Builder for further customization.
Returns a env_logger::Builder for further customization.
Initializes the global logger with a pretty env logger.
Initialized the global logger with a pretty env logger, with a custom variable name.
Initializes the global logger with a timed pretty env logger.
Initializes the global logger with a pretty env logger.
Initialized the global logger with a pretty env logger, with a custom variable name.
Initializes the global logger with a timed pretty env logger.
Initialized the global logger with a timed pretty env logger, with a custom variable name.